Jumat, 07 September 2007
Berjuang bersama Winter's Tale
The Winter's Tale
November lah pokonya!!
Aula SMP-SMU Santa Ursula BSD
‘T he Winter’s Tale is starting on the green
H igh summer’s fitting for that sort of thing
E nter Sicilia’s king and gorgeous queen
W ho, thinks he, with their chum, Bohemia’s king
I s just a bit too friendly and relaxed.
N o mercy on her; and her female child
T o far Bohemia’s secretly despatched.
E lapse of Years. The babe, now pretty wild,
R uns rings round Florizel, Bohemia’s prince.
S uspected by his dad they sail away
T o Scilly, whose queen, thought dead long since,
A live appears and hails their wedding day.
L ast glow of twilight sees the audience fair
E xit but hopefully not ‘pursued by bear'.
Label: cerita musim dingin
the bahasaS walked on the sunny side!
signed off at 19.01.
signed off at 19.01.